I summarize some common problems we encounter when we install MySQL or MongoDB, and provides the possible solutions to the problems.
- MySQL_Mac.1. MySQL can’t be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software
- MySQL_Mac.2. MySQL workbench cannot connect to MySQL Community Server
Q: MySQL can’t be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software
When you download the MySQL workbench application, Mac may prevent you from opening the application. You may encounter the following problem:
A: You need to go to Mac preferences –> Security & Privacy –> General –> Click the lock to make changes (bottom left corner). Choose allow app to downloaded from app store and identified developers. You should see a text like “ … app is blocked for use because …”. Then click “open anyway”.
Q: MySQL workbench cannot connect to MySQL Community Server
You correctly installed MySQL workbench and MySQL Community Server. But when you open MySQL workbench, you do not see any connection, when you add the new connection “localhost:3306”, there is an error.
A: Check whether you need to create password for the root users when you installed MySQL Community Server. When you install MySQL Community Server, you should see “Configuration” page and set up password. If you do not see “Configuration”, try to download and install an earlier version of MySQL Community Server which require you to set up password for root acount.